Using SY2011-2012 SAT10 scores as a baseline data, the percentage of students at Stanine 4 or greater in reading, math and language will increase by 2% yearly.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work
Core State Standards Crosswalk & Unpacking of Standards
*Curriculum Alignment and Mapping of curriculum
*Creating Standards Based Curriculum Guides by grade level through identifying research proven
*Establishing Standards Based Assessments and common assessments
*Monitoring lesson plans charts, group summary charts, student test summary, etc.
*Maintaining accurate data regarding student attendance
*Analysis of student progress reports to be included for data collection and reporting
*Curriculum Alignment and Mapping of curriculum
*Creating Standards Based Curriculum Guides by grade level through identifying research proven
*Establishing Standards Based Assessments and common assessments
*Monitoring lesson plans charts, group summary charts, student test summary, etc.
*Maintaining accurate data regarding student attendance
*Analysis of student progress reports to be included for data collection and reporting