Adacao Elementary’s School Program reflects the school’s mission statement in an effort to instill positive, meaningful, values that promote lifelong learning. The school programs aim to increase student learning and success through the use of Direct Instruction (D.I.) Program, Standards Based Curriculum, Positive Behavior
Intervention System (PBIS), English as a Second Language (ESL), Gifted And Talented Education (GATE), Special Education (SpEd), Department of Education, Extended Day (DEED), Programs for Extended Teaching & Learning (PETAL) and Summer School.
To meet the needs our special population students, we will continue the following programs:
GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) -provides enrichment for identified academic students for 180 minutes per week in the GATE Resource Room. The GATE Teacher works closely with classroom teachers to discuss the needs and progress of each student and assures harmonious transition for the child from the regular classroom to the GATE Resource Room. Curriculum emphasis for the K-5 program includes activities designed to promote independent learners and exceptional learning abilities.
E.S.L. PROGRAM (English as a Second Language)-Students who have been identified through oral tests as second language learners will receive services that will assist in the development of their oral and written English
language skills.
SPECIAL EDUCATION-All students will be placed in the least restrictive environment. In the event a child has been identified with a disability, the child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) Team will determine if he/she is in need of special services that can be accommodated in the Special Education/Resource Room. If the child has beenidentified as needing such services, he/she is expected to be placed in this room for the number of minutes required as
outlined in their IEP. In the event a child demonstrates adequate progress, the team can re-evaluate the IEP to determine if the child can return to the mainstreamedclassroom.
In order to provide more opportunities for our students’ mastery our LARM skills, we will continue to offer the afterschool tutorial programs. The Department of Education Extended Day Program (DEED) provides the after
school educational enrichment and supervision for elementary school-aged children from Kindergarten through 5th Grade. The Programs for extended Teaching & Learning (PETAL) ensures teacher assistants assist individual students and small groups of students attain mastery in our Direct Instruction program.
Learning Activities
The school programs will primarily focus on the mastery of Language Arts, Reading and Math (LARM) skills. Teachers will demonstrate skill by successfully delivering Direct Instruction lessons for Language Arts, Reading
and Math according to program type and student levels.
The Standards Based Units will support the attainment of the Common Core State Standards through differentiated instruction. Other learner activities may include, but are not limited to:
Guided practice and skills reinforcement through D.I. Text and workbooks, or teacher-made worksheets
Cooperative learning activities
Learning Centers
Reading Buddies
Role-playing activities, puppet shows, etc.
Chorale reading
Hands On Experience
Arts & craft activities
As a result of the Standards Based Assessments, each grade level will compile formative and summative assessments to report at the end of the school year. This data will establish a baseline for the teachers to determine
the effectiveness of the Standards Based Curriculum Guides and the overall performance of the students.
In addition, teachers will use end of the year Direct Instruction data as a baseline for comparative data and to determine student placement. Lesson Progress Charts (LPC’s) and Student Test Summaries (STS’s) will also be utilized to track student progress over the course of the program. Teachers will teach students according to student level throughout the school programs. Teachers will conduct assessments as specified by the Direct Instruction program. LPC’s and STS’s will be made available to the coordinator for review on a weekly basis. Student
progress reports will be sent home to parents indicating student progression.
Direct Instruction Benchmark Progress reports will indicate student progress. Program results will be included as part of the end-of-quarter report and demonstrated through charts and/or graphs.
Lastly, the DIBELS will be conducted three times during the
school year. The results provide our school an instant gauge of how our students
are performing throughout the school year. Teachers are able to plan and
implement intervention plans to ensure students improve their reading and
language skills within the school year.